Easily Create and Compare Your Background Check Packages

November 2 2020
3 min read

Everyone is doing it; maybe you should too. You should compare your current background check packages with what’s available in the market today.

So, let's begin. You develop a list of the items you want to compare and head to a few vendor websites. As you do your research, you may quickly find out it’s challenging to get a service with a clear description.

And pricing? Good luck!

You have to fill out a form and wait for a call from a salesperson. But that’s why you started your research online in the first place - so you wouldn’t have to talk to a salesperson.

Unfortunately, many background check companies make it hard to compare packages and pricing, comparing vendors’ services very hard. Much harder than it should be.

Whether you’re new to your recruiting role or a seasoned veteran of talent acquisition, the world of background screening is complex and confusing.

Why is it so confusing?

According to background screening "industry experts," there are several reasons:

State and Federal Rules and Regulations

  • There are federal laws and their court systems.
  • Each state has its own set of laws and court systems.
Business Models

There are hundreds of background check providers with a variety of different business models. To differentiate themselves, some providers use creative terms to describe their services.

Have they ever heard of a “universal” criminal check?

  • Man has walked on the moon, but does anyone believe that crimes have been committed on another planet?

Some vendors are sneaky with their scope of work.

  • Have you experienced the “Max 1” alias search?
  • You’ve read this correctly – “Max 1 alias search” sounds like an oxymoron.
  • It’s a way for the vendor to take more of your money while appearing cheaper on a bid.

Here’s the real reason the background screening industry is complex and confusing. This approach serves the interests of the vendors. Complexity and confusion help increase their profitability.

If you want more insight into spotting and avoiding these traps, schedule a call with Orange Tree today.

There is a better way. 

Orange Tree serves the interests of our clients. We believe that employers deserve a background screening program designed for their needs. We know that clients don’t like surprises, so we offer clear terms, precise work scopes, and disclose fees.

We know that buyers research before reaching out directly to company representatives for more information. So, we created Build Your Own Solution (BYS). A self-service application designed as a resource for those seeking a screening solution. We designed the tool to help buyers more carefully vet, assess, and choose the screening services they use.


BYS provides a new level of visibility and clarity to the business of background screening. Absent legalese and confusing terms, BYS provides you with straightforward service descriptions and precise depths of coverage. The tool includes a helpful wizard that will guide you through the steps to create customized packages for all of your positions.

What You Need to Know about The BYS Tool

With the BYS tool, you have a self-service option to build background screening packages that meet your unique needs. Once made, you can download a free report of the packages you created.

Use the BYS tool to take advantage of the following capabilities and benefits:

  • Gain information on the typical services that comprise a background check.
  • Learn more about the trade-off between price and depth of coverage.
  • Gain an understanding of how your screening solution affects your risk.
Getting Started with BYS

It's easy to begin. Select the core services you want to include in your base package. You’ll see your package built as you make selections. Want to learn more about a service? Just click on it, and a description will appear. Industry insight is always available, so you can see how your package compares to others like you.


After making these selections, move to the next screen to choose the depth of coverage you would like for these core services. Notice that as you move the slider bar to include more names and/or more residences, the slider changes on the risk curve. A background screen with greater depth lessens your risk.

To make sound decisions for your background screening program, you need a transparent process that gives you the information you need to decide.

We created Build Your Solution to help talent acquisition professionals make informed decisions about background screening vendors. This innovative tool enables users to build their background screening packages tailored to their needs.

Are you ready to get the background screening program that serves you? Click here to get started!


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